Among the many things that inspired me to create a Poe Postcard, one was visiting his gravesite in January 2020. My travel buddies and I were visiting Washington, DC. I knew Poe’s burial was not too far away, roughly an hour’s drive. To their agreement, we made the trip. There is something special about visiting a gravesite. Maybe it’s giving a prayer, paying respects, having time for contemplation, or solitude.
The second reason I decided to create a Poe Postcard, is that I have a friend (KB) who also loves Poe. I recall a time when she would read his short stories and poems before bed. She definitely loves him more than I do. I enjoy having someone with whom I can discuss Poe’s literary work.
Lastly, I was inspired to create a Poe Postcard after I received this gem.
What is your favorite piece of work by Edgar Allan Poe? Here’s mine, The Black Cat
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